Sunday 29 January 2012

Farewell Mrs Hartley

Mrs Rosemary Hartley bids farewell to the classroom after 42 years service from Muir College Boys’ High School. From the Headmaster, Mr NC Hopley, staff, Muirites and past pupils, we wish Mrs Hartley a long, healthy and happy retirement together.

Irish Exchange Scholars

On the 10th of January 2012, Grade 10 learners, Thomas Anders, Jack Balbirnie, Benn Hoey and Michael Hogan arrived in South Africa as part of the Cricket Leinster Development Programme. This scholarship allows them to stay for two months in South Africa, during which they will be playing cricket in the Eastern Cape and becoming acquainted in the classroom.

In the picture on the left: from the back left, Darren Wates (Deputy Head Boy), Tomas Anders, Nathan Dennis (Head Boy). From the front left: Benn Hoey, Jack Balbirnie and Michael Hogan.

Muir College Head Prefects

Muir College Head prefects for 2012: from back left; Darren Wates (Senior Deputy Head Prefect) and Nathan Dennis (Senior Head Prefect). From the front left; Mark Kotzee (Primary Deputy Head Prefect) and Ruan Jonker (Primary Head Prefect).