Friday 23 November 2012

Team SA Representatives

Alaric & Alard Basson

Alaric and Alard Basson, Grade 10 learners at Muir College, have been selected to represent Team SA in swimming at the upcoming Zone VI Games in Zambia. The Zone VI Games will be held from the 4th-17th December 2012.

Monday 5 November 2012


In the picture above, from the right:
(Mr Munir Jeeva) handing over a donation of R10 000 to the Old Murite Union. (Mr Ricky Weederburn, OMU Chairman)


The Annual Afri-Save / OMU Golf Day was held on Saturday 3rd November 2012. Many thanks go to all the supporters, sponsors, old Muirites and Afri-Save Cash and Carry for making this day a success. Congratulations to the top five golfers: Z. Douglas with 44 points, A. Transell with 43 points, H. Botha with 43 points, L. Eksteen with 42 points and M. Olivier with 42 points. The youngest golfer to play on the day was Tian van der Bank, a Grade 5 learner at Muir College, who came 9th with 41 points. Mr Munir Jeeva, who matriculated at Muir College and the Sole Director of Afri-Save Cash and Carry in Uitenhage, still supports Muir in their fundraising endeavours. At the prize-giving on Saturday, Afri-Save donated R10 000 to the Old Muirite Union, to assist needy scholars who wish to attend the school.

Thursday 25 October 2012



Muir College Old Muirite Union (OMU) will be hosting their annual Golf Day on Saturday the 3rd of November 2012. Mr Munir Jeeva, former Muirite, will once again be supporting other Muir College event with Afri-Save Cash and Carry as the main sponsor. 

The first Tee-off is at 06:30am at the Uitenhage Golf club. The format will be individual points stapleford. A two ball will cost R400 and a four ball will cost R800. 

For more information and bookings contact Clayton du Plooy on 078  468 6964 or e-mail: or the school on 041 966 1147. 

Seen on the photo from the left: Mr NC Hopley (Headmaster), Mr M. Jeeva, and Mr R. Wedderburn (OMU Chairman)

The SANBS held an awards evening was held on the 23rd of October 2012 for school Blood Peer Promoters. Muir College was awarded the “Bokkie Human” Trophy for outstanding support for E.P. blood transfusion


Since 1991 Muir has won the trophy 13 times. The competition is based on the percentage of learners from a school donating blood. Under the leadership of Mrs E. Seifert, Muir came 1st with 90%.

In the picture, Peer promoters representing Muir College:
 (Back; left) E. Martins, R. Van Aardt, M. Balie, M. Manefeldt, (Front; left) B. Kosi, P. Zhu and S. Karodia.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Recipient of the Trevor Winer Bursary 2012

Kyle Dawson

Muir College is pleased to announce the generosity of the Winer family who have set up a scholarship to assist Muirites who are strong academically but who do not have the financial means to attend a university of their choice.  Another criteria is to be able to study a university degree which may not be offered in their immediate area.

We wish Kyle Dawson all the best with his future studies and thank Mr Winer for his support and contributions.

Congratulations to the Prefects of 2013

From the left: Shaheen Karodia (Senior Deputy-Head Prefect) and Michael Balie (Senior Head Prefect)

Senior Prefects 2013

Friday 12 October 2012

Mixed Martial Arts

Mziwamadoda Goba

Grade 10 pupil, Mziwamadoda Goba from Muir, took part in the Destiny Mixed Martial Arts South African Championships from the 29th to the 30th of September 2012. The tournament was held at the UCT Sports Hall in Cape Town. As a member of Fusion in Uitenhage, Mziwamadoda received Gold for Mixed Martial Arts, Gold for Jiu-Jitsu and Silver for Continuous Fighting.

Thursday 11 October 2012



In the Picture (From the left): Rowan Nelson, Mr Oliphant, Lee Baatjes and Lyndon Apple

In the Picture (from left; back): Mrs Jordaan (Afrikaans Educator), Lyndon Apple and Mr Mc Allister. (From the left; front) Lee Baatjes, Mr Oliphant and Rowan Nelson

Mr Vincent Oliphant visited Muir College on Monday 8th October 2012. Mr Oliphant gave an inspiring talk to the Grade 11 and Grade 12 Afrikaans classes about his poetry. Writing from the heart, one of his poems “Woorde” has been prescribed for Grade 12 and addresses themes of reconciliation and compassion. The three Afrikaans Distinction candidates, Rowan Nelson, Lyndon Apple and Lee Baatjes honoured Mr Oliphant with a Muirite Tie souvenir. The Afrikaans Department is truly thankful for the opportunity granted to see this poet in person.  

Tuesday 9 October 2012


Grade 10 Learners and Mrs Downey from the New Life Crises Pregnancy Center in Uitenhage.

Grade 10 Learners and Mrs Downey from the New Life Crises Pregnancy Center in Uitenhage.

The Life-Orientation grade 10 learners of Muir College recently completed a project on teenage pregnancy awareness. This project initiated by former educator Mrs. Lynette Wagenar, consisted out of theory and practical life lessons. The learners had to earn money from household duties and had to use their collection to buy baby goods, such as soap, shampoo, diapers, face cloths.... All these items were donated to the New Life Crises Pregnancy Centre in Uitenhage. On receipt, Mrs. Downey gave a short talk to the learners.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Varsity College Quiz

In the Picture (From the left): Shaheen Karodia, Carol-Ann (Algoa fm presenter) and Rowan Nelson
In Studio: Shaheen Karodia and Rowan Nelson
In Studio: Muir vs Algoa fm Presenters Quiz!
Muir College was the winners of the Varsity College Quiz in 2011. Shaheen Karodia and Rowan Nelson were part of the winning team. This year the Quiz takes place on the  26th September 2012 and Muir has entered two teams. All the Best Gents!

Thursday 6 September 2012


Administration staff at Muir: From the left; Mrs L. Boscombe, Mrs L. Lawson, Mrs D. Muller, and Mrs. N . Emmerson

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Primary EP Representatives

From the left: Mark Kotzee (Indoor Cricket u/13 Captain),
Ruan Jonker (Rugby u/13 Craven Week) and Aakif Salie (Volleyball u/13 Captain)

Sunday 2 September 2012

Muir Interhouse Rugby

Photograph by: S. Nell
Photograph by: S. Nell

Photograph by: S. Nell

Monday 27 August 2012

Muir Winter Sport

Winter sport at Muir: Muir under 11A vs Graham College

Primary School Civvies Day

Primary School Boys

As a fundraising endeavor, Muir College Primary School held a Civvies Day on Friday 24th August. Funds were raised to contribute towards their fellow Muirite, Alaric Basson, who will be swimming in the 11th CANA African Swimming Championships. The Championships will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from the 10th to the 16th September 2012. If anyone can contribute towards Alaric’s swimming aspirations please contact Mr Mervyn Basson (father) on 083 291 5623 or Muir College on 041 966 1147. Your Support will be greatly appreciated.

Thursday 23 August 2012

JTC Mayor 2012/2013

Congratulations to Shaheen Karodia for being elected as the Uitenhage/Despatch Junior Town Council (JTC) Mayor for 2012/2013.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Muir Eastern Province Representatives

Muir College EP Reps 2012: In the picture from the left: Lyle Petersen (Cricket), Mark Wedderburn (Squash), Alaric Basson (Swimming) and Gershwin Forbes (Squash).

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Monday 30 July 2012

Muir Interact 67 Minutes

Lukhanyiso Children's Home in Kwanobuhle
In celebration of Nelson Mandela’s Birthday on the Wednesday 18th July 2012, the Muir College Interact Society spent their 67 minutes with the children from the Lukhanyiso Children’s Home in Kwanobuhle. Throughout the second school term, under the leadership of Nathan Dennis (Headboy) and Mrs Twane’ Henman and Mrs Tiniel Kersop, the Interact Society collected warm clothes, blankets, toys and food from the school. 
Lukhanyiso Children's Home in Kwanobuhle

Ball Games
Ball Games
These goods were donated to the Lukhanyiso Children’s Home. The afternoon was also spent playing ball games with the children and a mini party was held towards the end. 

It's party time!

Friday 20 July 2012


Alaric Basson


Alaric Basson from Muir College and who swims for the Eastern Province Aquatics team, has been selected to swim in the 11th CANA African Swimming Championships. The Championships will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 10th to the 16th September 2012. The Muir Family wishes Alaric all the best.

Muir College Steak Evening

The Old Muirite Union together with the PTA will be holding a Steak Evening for fundraising on Friday 3rd August 2012 in the Muirite. Please contact the school for more information on 041 - 966147.

Luxolo Koza in Crawen Week

Luxolo Koza

Grade 10 Learner from Muir College, Luxolo Koza, played for the Eastern Province U/18 Crawen Week team during the June/July School holidays. The team won all three games when they played against the Valkens, Boland and Natal Sharks held at the Nelson Mandela Stadium in Port Elizabeth. Luxolo also plays for Muir College’s 1st Team as 8th man.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

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Muir to play in Cambridge Festival

Muir Rugby 1st XV

Muir 1st XV Rugby will be playing in the Cambridge Sports Festival in East London from the 22 June - 25 June 2012.

23 June Muir vs Sterling
25 June Muir vs Hill Crest

Muir would like to thank Goodyear for their generous donation towards the 1st XV Playing kit.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Muir Mission Statement


Muir College strives to afford its pupils the opportunity of reaching their full potential by:

  - Motivating each pupil to realise his academic capabilities;

  - Promoting sportsmanship and healthy physical development;

  - Encouraging participation in activities aimed at fostering intellectual, cultural and spiritual  growth;

  - Insisting upon the highest standards of personal and group behaviour;

  - Pursuing the ideal of excellence in all undertakings.

Friday 8 June 2012

Former Muirite Academic Excellence

Dr. Morné Sjӧlander

Dr. Morné Sjӧlander matriculated from Muir College in 2001 with an A-aggregate. He then furthered his studies, from 2002-2004, at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University where he completed his BSc in Mathematical Statistics and Applied Maths. He graduated with Cum Laude 93% and was recognised as Best NMMU Graduate. In 2005, Morné Cum Laude his BSc Honours majoring in Statistics with 97% and Best NMMU Graduate. In 2006 he completed his Msc in Mathematical Statistics and Cum Laude with 78% (Full dissertation). In 2011, Morné achieved Top NMMU Post Graduate completing his PhD in Mathematical Statistics. Dr. Sjӧlander is a lecturer at the University Of Free State in Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science.